Monday, December 28, 2009

Our hardworking crew

And here is a picture of us at the end of our November Strategic Planning meeting...having made a huge big step towards the future of Creative Healing Connections!
Back row...Peggy Lynn, Rose Ann Hickey, Wanda Burch, Randy Lewis
Front row...Karen Glass, Gail Sheffield, Fran Yardley, Leslie Neustadt


  1. Hi,
    I've heard it's difficult to make a comment on this blog, so I am giving it a try. We'll see if it shows up. If so, I hope all of you who read our blog will feel comfortable adding your voices to the mix. We welcome you all!

  2. maybe blogspot has to recognize you? We look like we did some work, don't we?

  3. The day we did the work out at Fran's lovely house, we wanted to clear up several issues, one being our overall purpose, and the steps to accomplish that...what we have to offer is a wonder to all who have engaged with us at our retreats...and the world would be a better place if more folks knew about the power available when you combine art, nature, and sacred space...and dedicated people to guide the groups.
    Here's to us!!!

  4. Strategic Planning is not the most fun part of what we do - but possibly the most necessary. I think the Blog is a great idea!
